Wednesday, March 12, 2014


Bill Gates is definitely and entrepreneur. He created something with extreme value by exploring a brand new idea. His idea, at the time, seemed insane. However, he pushed on and created one of the most successful companies in the world.

I am also an entrepreneur, or hope to be. At the moment, I have created nothing with real value. I plan to explore my options and hopefully be able to create something that has value to me and to everyone who would take the time to view what I have done.

I think our culture does associate expertise with entrepreneurship. We consider people that are entrepreneurs to be "experts" in the field of their choice. However, you can be extremely successful in an area or with an idea without being an expert in it, it will just take ample amounts of hard work. I think this idea should be changed, we need to remind people that you do not have to be good at something to have success in it. Once people understand this, they may have the will to pursue the thing that they have always wanted to pursue. Being an entrepreneur also means being someone who is willing to take risks, to put  life as they know it on the line to further their future. It is truly inspiring when you hear a success story from someone who (as was mentioned in class today) was living in the back of a van. Wouldn't you like to be one of these success stories? To be known as the person who "made it"?

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