Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Hacking My Education

As I grow closer and closer to the end of the semester and the end of my high school career, I yearn to be prepared for what may lie ahead. I plan on going straight into a 4 year college in August 2014 and I want to be ready when and if that time comes. As a former professor and P.H.D. recipient, you (Dr. Preston) know what it takes to succeed at the next level. If it would be possible, this is what I want to focus the rest of my senior year on. Some people may be wanting to relax and ride the rest of the year out easy, but I know that if I work harder at preparing for college now, college will be easier. I'd like suggestions on how I could make this work on a blog. Anyway, I LOVE to learn about anything so whatever we as a class do for the rest of the semester I will be cool with.

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