Tuesday, May 20, 2014


It is really funny for me to type beginnings this late in the game, but: My work on my masterpiece COULD be starting a new chapter in my life in a couple different ways. As I look at motivation and what gets people though the day, I get ideas on how to take their motivation and use it as my own. Rather, I get ideas on why I am not as motivated as them and how I could start to be. However, as I delve deeper into the subject, it becomes more and more apparent that you need to find motivation within you do achieve what you want. You need to find what makes you click, just as we were asked to do with our masterpieces. If you feel as if nothing can or ever will motivate you to succeed, I hope that the video I am making that deals with motivation will serve as a guide or at least give you some ideas on what it feels like to have motivation. We only have a limited time on this earth, and even less time to be youthful. Today is the best day of your life to learn, why waste it by being a potato in every aspect of it? If there was one thing I could tell you at this moment to help you through I would say just keep trying, life will usually find ways to work itself out but only if you continue on and don't give up. This is something I've had to learn the hard way.

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