Thursday, April 10, 2014

The Crossroads Between Should and Must

I want to start off by saying I believe that this article was beautifully written. Anyone reading from outside of expos comp can find it here.

"what am I so afraid of"
1. failure
2. loneliness
3. uncertainty
4. not living up to my potential
5. regretting things later in life
6. death of loved ones

I have reached the crossroads and am ready to make the choice between should and must. I do not want to do what others are telling me to do anymore, I want to do what I want to do. Not only do I want to do what I want to do, but I'd like to succeed in doing it. When we read part of this article in class I was not very into it. I read it last night and again this morning before writing this and find it absolutely inspiring. It honestly felt like I was listening to a motivational speaker having a one on one conversation with me as I read. She opened my eyes and helped me realize that you do not have to do something if you don't want to do it. This doesn't apply to everything. I still have to pay taxes and do some schoolwork, but if I find myself unhappy with a situation, I can and must fix it. I don't believe anyone has ever quit doing something they hated to follow their dream and then regretted it. The author really has her life figured out, she knows what she wants and how to obtain it. I think everyone must figure out what she has been able to, where they want to go and how to get there. There may be obstacles in the way but if you truly want something, these obstacles will be easy to overcome. We all have dreams and aspirations, but what is stopping us from going out and acquiring them? Uncertainty. This is something I have always struggled with, but I am learning to not fear. I used to not do anything unless I was first certain of the outcome, now I am trying to become more spontaneous. It has led me on some adventures that I would never think I would be on. I am ready to choose must instead of should. Who's with me?

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