accomplice-a person who helps another commit a crime
Ex. He was my accomplice in the bank robbery.
annihilate- destroy completely
Ex. The wrecking ball was meant to annihilate my house before we built a new one.
arbitrary- based on random choice
Ex. My selection for senior pictures was arbitrary.
brazen- bold/ without shame
Ex. With a brazen disregard for the rules, the man continued talking loudly on his cell phone in the library.
catalyst- something that increases rate of a process
Ex. Her death was a catalyst to the solution of the problem of drinking and driving.
exodus- mass departure of people
Ex. My ancestors went on an exodus to the new world.
facilitate- to make easy
Ex. My teacher was able to facilitate the word problem I did not understand.
incorrigible- not able to be connected
Ex. Our relationship was incorrigible after the breakup.
latent- concealed
Ex. My talent for singing is latent.
militant- combative/ aggressive in support of a political or social issue.
Ex. The senator was militant in his disapproval of same-sex marriage.
morose- sullen/ ill-tempered
Ex. Her attitude towards school work was very morose.
opaque- not transparent
Ex. The window in our living room is opaque, and therefore useless.
paramount- more important that anything else, supreme
Ex. Her paramount actions proved how spoiled she must have been as a child.
prattle- talk at length in a foolish way
Ex. My mother and I prattled for an hour last night.
rebut- claim that something is false
Ex. He had to rebut charges of rape in order to save his politcal career.
reprimand- express sharp disapproval
Ex. He was reprimanded for his use of swear words in the work place.
servitude- state of being subject to someone more powerful
Ex. I took a sentence of servitude over that of jail time.
slapdash- done hurriedly of carelessly
Ex. Her project was definitely slapdash.
stagnant- having no current or flow
Ex. The pond is always stagnant at this time of the year.
succumb- fail to resist
Ex. I succumbed to the pressure.
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