Tuesday, August 20, 2013

My Opinion is Not a Right

Imagine you are in the middle of a heated discussion, and the person you are debating with says something that is hard to argue against. Instead of conceding to their point you exclaim "I have a right to my own opinion". This statement is not only false, it adds nothing to the debate. When this is said it shifts the topic of the conversation to a completely different subject. Its falsity comes in the form that having a right entitles someone else with a duty. I think that if you understand the person you are talking with has a great point and backs up this point with evidence, you should truly look back on what your view is and maybe change it. The person will have so much more respect for you if you concede and let them know that they are right. Saying that you have a right to your opinion makes people think that you just have no clue what you are talking about and therefore think of you as ignorant. Who cares if you are wrong, I would rather shift to the correct side of an issue than keep my wrong opinion.

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